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    摘要 : Objectives: Target groups for seasonal influenza vaccination are nationally defined based on several factors. However, few studies have explored the policy-making processes at the country-level. We investigated key differences in ... 展开

    摘要 : Objectives: To conduct a literature review of influenza vaccination policy, describing roles and interactions between stakeholders and the factors influencing policy-making.

    摘要 : Background: Target groups for seasonal influenza vaccination are defined at the country level and are based on several factors. However, little is known about the national decision-making procedures. Objective: The purpose of this... 展开

    摘要 : Primary spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea is an unusual phenomenon that may occur anywhere along the skull base. However, CSF leaks originating from clival defects are rarely reported in the literature. The majority... 展开
